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UlforceVeedramon : The The Ultimate Force Victorious Dragon Monster

This Holy Knight type Digimon of imperial legend appears only in certain Prophecies, handed down from the ancient Digital World. In those Prophecies, the appearance of the Royal Knights, guardian spirits of the network, is written, and these Digimon called Royal Knights are, based on those Prophecies, said to meet at a time of the Digital World's greatest crisis. UlforceVeedramon has the fastest speed among the Royal Knights, and there is nothing that can chase after its movements. Also, its body is wrapped in a holy armor made of the light-weight, rare metal Blue Digizoid, which is rare even for Chrome Digizoid. It tears up the skies and splits the earth. Its weapons and shields expand from the "V-Bracelets" that are equipped on both arms. Its special technique, "Shining V-Force", is a beam of light that strafes from the V-shaped armor on its chest.

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Apollomon : The God of the Sun Monster

One of the Olympus Twelve, it is a God Man Digimon which conceals solar-class flame energy. This energy has a terrible ability to smelt all substances, and its almost heartless fervor and pride are barely restrained. Its Special Moves are firing the scorching solar orb generated from the sphere of flame on its back (Sol Blaster), and a single, deadly blow from a fist filled with its hidden power (Phoebus Blow). Also, it can continuously fire red hot arrows from the shining jewels on both of its hands (Arrow of Apollo).

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Megidramon : The Armageddon Monster

Among the Dragon Type Digimon, he is a Wicked Dragon who is the most atrocious. He is a member of the "Four Great Dragons", and while the other three are Holy Dragon Types, the line is drawn between them and the problem child, Wicked Dragon who has the "Digital Hazard". He is body wrapped in a body made of ‘Chrome Digi-Zoid’. This "power" is had to be sealed in someone and if this seal was being unfastened, the Digital World would be going into ruins and there would be great damage done. Also, presently there is a theory arising that Megidramon and ChaosGallantmon have the same purpose. When Megidramon appears, wittiness have a surge of fear when this dark dragon has been spotted, and when the black knight has been spotted. Finally, presently his form has been confirmed by only some people, his existence is still a plausible case but it is still an illusion. Until the "X-Program" came into operation.

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LoaderLeomon : The Loading Lion Monster

Data leaked from a CAD construction server and fused with a Beast type Digimon creating this Machine type Digimon. He uses his rock drill for mainly tunnel construction and Chrome Digizoid mining. Chrome Digizoid are usually surrounded by  layers of solid bedrock, power and endurance are required which puts LoaderLeomon into the top class of Machine type Digimon. The viewpoint of many is that LoaderLeomon take pride in their work and are very stubborn, and quick to fight. A top class mine of the world's reserves was once destroyed by a fight between LoaderLeomon. His special attacks are 'Boring Storm' where he rotates his mane at high speeds, and 'Loader Morning Star' where he swings his tail at the opponents.

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Baihumon : The White Tiger Monster

One of the Four Holy Beasts who protect the Digital World, this beast guards the West and bears the attribute of Steel. It continues to reign from the age of mythology, and like the other legendary Four Holy Beast Digimon, its strength is said to rival that of God. In addition, it is also the youngest of the Four Holy Beast Digimon, and its power is amongst the highest of the four beasts. It is immortal and bears an enormous amount of power, which is said to generate from his 12 cyber nuclei (Digi-Cores). Baihumon is just as neutral as Azulongmon, and it isn't one to easily form an alliance with. Its special attack is "Kongou", which unleashes a beam from its mouth that metalizes the enemy entirely. This attack completely stops the enemy from moving around, and its body soon rusts and decays, and only then do they die.

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TigerVespamon : The Tiger Wasp Monster

A Cyborg type Digimon who defends the mysterious aerial "Royal Base" hive. Vespamon boasts an unimaginably marvelous sense of stamina from its thin, sharp outer form, and never stops moving during battle. The prefix in its name is given to 0.08% of members belonging to the "Royal Command" hive force, and is a code name given to the most elite of members. It was given its code name of "Tiger" from its top-notch combat efficiency, and wields its tiger-fang-shaped hive weapon, "Royal Meister", as if they were twin katanas. Its special attack is "Mach Stinger V (Victory)", which thrusts its twin "Royal Meister" katanas into the enemy.

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Thunderbirmon : The Thunder Bird Monster

A bird type Digimon with a rough nature but thinks of his companions. He can summon thunderclouds by roaring, and control thunder with his horn. He can evolve from Gotsumon or Impmon of the ancient variety through the "Digi-Egg of Friendship".

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